DataSailr in 5 minutes or less

This file is autogenerated from README in DataSailr Github

Quick introduction

In this quick introduction, built-in R dataframe called mtcars is going to be used. The mtcars datafram has automobile information in 1970's. The detail of this dataframe is described here. (



mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.620 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21 6 160 110 3.9 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4

Code example

Before executing the following code, install DataSailr package (and magrittr package.) Installation instruction is mentioned later in this README (Binary package is the easiest way to try, until this package becomes available on CRAN).


mtcars %>% datasailr::sail('
if( hp > 145 ){  power = "high" }
else if( 145 >= hp && hp > 0){ power = "low" }
else{  print("hp variable has missing value")}

germany = re/(^Merc|^Porsche|^Volvo)/
usa = re/(^Hornet|^Cadillac|^Lincoln|^Chrysler|^Dodge|^AMC|^Camaro|^Chevrolet|^Pontiac|^Ford)/
japan = re/(^Mazda|^Datsun|^Honda|^Toyota)/

if ( _rowname_ =~ germany ) { country = "Germany" ; type = rexp_matched(1); }
else if( _rowname_ =~ usa ) { country = "USA"  ; type = rexp_matched(1);  }
else if( _rowname_ =~ japan ) { country = "Japan"  ; type = rexp_matched(1); }
else { country = "Other" }
') %>% head(10)
power country type
1 low Japan Mazda
2 low Japan Mazda
3 low Japan Datsun
4 low USA Hornet
5 high USA Hornet
6 low Other
7 high Other
8 low Germany Merc
9 low Germany Merc
10 low Germany Merc

Example code explanation